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This reminds me of experiences with Babbacombe Downs and Proposed Developments on Princess Gardens under Nick Bye's regime.
Four years ago I explained how I saw Brixham. The Cinderella syndrome. Looked down by the sisters, seemingly last on the list!
What an earth might you think I am saying? Well if you listen to businesses within our town centres one after another will say car parking...
Loads of jewels filling the treasure chest with more to come, but over recent years has still been treated as the 'Cinderella' of the Bay.
Petty, party, politics and 'Solo' Mayoral decisions are weakening Torbay, surely no other organisation or business would function like this.
Cynical Mayor Decision of full cut to ERTC puts Bay growth at risk & back to falls - difference £400m in 4 years!
Well... 98% Bay Business SMEs without voice or champion in council hearing, understanding, helping.
I find examples of savings with no strategy to increase income. Expertise in money management is essential.
Say NO to broken promises. This is a difficult subject to cover but one I am afraid that needs to be addressed.
Over and again I find areas of wastage, but with new methods of doing things, savings can be found.